As for my husband it’s the time for him to repeat asking me the same old question, “Still have to change the time table..huh? Tak settle-settle lagi ke?”.
What can I say, just repeating the same old answer, “ Teachers come and go, either early, middle or end of the year. So faham-fahamlah, how can you can’t fix to one time table for the whole year, Yang….” dengan penuh lembut dan bersopan….
Anyway here some pictures during the rocket launching competition yesterday. The promotion from Puan Pengetua during the assembly on Monday really worked. It had roused high eagerness among students to attend the launch. In my class, many students keep asking, “Cikgu bila nak lancar?”
The big crowd turned up during the launching.
Too happy ... tak menang pun tak pe...
Ummul Qais & pasangannya dengan roket yang paling jauh jarak sasarannya ...
Farahi... I got your picture here...
Namun, saya cuba melihat dari sudut yang berbeza. Lancarlah roket kehidupan kita sendiri menuju kepada Allah dengan membawa bekalan keimanan dan ketaqwaan. Sekiranya persiapan yang dibuat cukup, insya’Allah kita akan sampai ke destinasi dengan sejahtera, kita redha dengan Allah dan Allah meredhai perjalanan hidup kita di dunia ini…
New timetable again? kesian Pah...redha jer lah..tugas kita kan?
all da besh,ckgu syg..
gbr sy ade dlm blog agk sdh sbb xplg yg diajar lak dpt jrk plg jauh..huu
Insya'Allah Kak Hajjah, hidup untuk memberi, saya redha.
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